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Posts Tagged: immigrant

Immigration crisis goes beyond the border; collaboration is key to help immigrants in need

As Humphrey Bogart said in Casablanca, “this is the start of a beautiful friendship.” Leaders from Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton met yesterday with Jennifer Thompson, executive director of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) of New Jersey, to brainstorm ways the two social …

“We must be fierce as lions!”: Sister Norma Pimentel, advocate for immigrants, challenges us to do more

Sister Norma Pimentel, the Catholic Charities leader from Texas who has become a tireless champion for immigrants at the southern border, challenged people of good conscience to do more to welcome immigrants into our communities during a luncheon today in Hamilton.
“When we reach out to …

Breaking the cycle of injustice in the Latino community

What do you get when you cross a Puerto Rican native, star basketball player, proud father, devoted coach, and champion of the Latino community? The result is just one man: Roberto Hernandez.
Putting family first
Before Roberto was born, his father moved their family from Puerto Rico …

Catholic Charities assisting separated immigrant families

Six families separated under President Trump’s controversial immigration policy earlier this year now are receiving services from Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton.
Immigration agents separated the families, comprising about 20 people including children from toddlers to teens, when they crossed the U.S. border last spring seeking …

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