Ocean County - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton Ocean County - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton

Ocean County

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton, has several programs in Ocean County that provide assistance to individuals, children and families, support for victims of domestic violence, help to those impacted by natural disasters and to those with mental illness and substance abuse.


IMMIGRATION SUPPORT – Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)-accredited case managers provide civil legal assistance that is recognized by the Department of Homeland Security. Services are available in both English and Spanish. All services are located at:

725 Mantoloking Road, Brick NJ 08723


  • Immigration Legal Assistance Services — Assists consumers with the completion of immigration petitions and the translation of documents. Provides immigration information and referral.
  • Immigration Services — Helps immigrants adapt to American customs and life styles. Certified case managers provide civil legal assistance that is recognized by the Department of Homeland Security.

PROVIDENCE HOUSE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES — Domestic violence services are provided through Providence House, offering confidential 24-hour hotline services, counseling, education, specialized children’s programs, legal advocacy and a Safe House at no cost to survivors and their children. Our Outreach Counseling Center address is listed below. Our Safe House location is kept confidential. Learn more about domestic violence and Providence House.

88 Schoolhouse Road, Suite 1, Whiting, NJ 08759

24-Hour Hotline: 732-244-8259
Toll Free:  1-800-246-8910
Outreach Office: 732-350-2120

  • 24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline — For individuals and their children in need of crisis counseling and/or a safe haven from abuse, as well as information, appointments and referrals.
  • Children’s Counseling — Uses various forms of art and play to help children express their feelings and heal from the violence in their homes. Available at Emergency Safe House only.
  • Community Education — Encourages prevention and promotes awareness of the forms of domestic violence through presentations at health fairs, businesses, schools, community events and organizations.
  • Domestic Violence Support Groups — Provides multi-week educational sessions on the dynamics of abuse, including healthy relationships and boundaries.
  • Domestic Violence Liaison Program — Provides on-site case consultation, support and advocacy at area Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P) offices for non-offending parents who are survivors of domestic violence.
  • Domestic Violence Response Team — Provides training, supervision, and guidance to teams of community volunteers who speak to survivors immediately following a domestic violence incident at the local police station or hospital.
  • Emergency Safe House — Confidentially located emergency safe house that enables survivors and their children to escape danger and to begin the healing process.
  • Legal Advocacy Program — Offers court accompaniment and support to victims, as well as advocacy and referrals.
  • PALS (Peace: A Learned Solution) — Helps children ages 3-12 who have been exposed to domestic violence to heal through various forms of creative arts.
  • Project REACH — Recognizes the unique obstacles faced by older survivors of domestic violence such as long time spouse abuse or abuse by adult children.
  • Project Self-Sufficiency — Helps survivors to acquire and maintain permanent violence-free housing and provides education and training on job readiness and community resources.

New Jersey’s cost of living is the third highest in the nation so it is not surprising that we assist more people through these services than any other within the organization. The percentage of working families in Ocean County seeking assistance with food has increased dramatically. Believing that everyone deserves a chance to achieve self-sufficiency, our programs are designed to support immediate basic needs while providing opportunities for developing financial literacy, marketable job skills and help in obtaining permanent, affordable housing.

Unless otherwise noted, all services are provided to Ocean County residents through Community Services at:

725 Mantoloking Road, Brick NJ 08723


FOOD PANTRY — Provides each resident or family with a three-day supply of food per household member. Available to each resident or family once per month.
Due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic food pantries in Burlington, Brick, and Trenton continue serving people in need, but staff are distributing pre-packed bags at the door. Also our food pantries have modified operating hours:

  • Mercer Community Services Food Pantry (located at Mount Carmel Guild)
    73 North Clinton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08609
    Mondays through Fridays 9:30am to 11:30am
  • Burlington Community Services Food Pantry
    450-460 Veterans Drive Burlington NJ 08016
    Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays 9am to 12pm
    Thursdays 9am to 11:30am AND 1:30pm to 3:30pm
  • Ocean Community Services Food Pantry
    725 Mantoloking Road, Brick NJ 08723
    Mondays through Thursdays 9:00am to 12:00pm


FIX IT PROGRAM – is coordinated through Catholic Charities’ Community Services program in Ocean County. Volunteers, many of them retired seniors themselves, provide minor repairs and yard clean-ups to Ocean County residents ages 60 and older.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to perform minor home repairs for seniors in Ocean County with our Fix-It Program. Volunteers do many of the same simple tasks they would do in their own homes. This is a great opportunity for both skilled and unskilled volunteers to give back to their communities.
Please contact Judy Minetree at 732-363-5322 x3234 or email [email protected]

HOUSING SERVICES — Our Homelessness Prevention Program emphasizes both immediate and longer-term strategies for reducing homelessness and strengthening self-sufficiency. While housing units are not offered at all locations, we help individuals and families remain housed through rent/mortgage and utilities assistance.

RAPID RE-HOUSING — Rapid-Re-Housing is one of several programs offered to help individuals and families obtain housing and develop the skills necessary for meeting monthly housing and other living costs.

CLOTHING AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Residents in need can “shop” for gently-used clothing and household items.

HOLIDAY/SEASONAL ASSISTANCE — Provides eligible residents with assistance during Easter, Back-to-School time, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

PARISH SERVICES — Provides support for individuals and families referred by parishes in Monmouth County. Services include:

  • Case management
  • Financial assistance
  • Referral to other community resources
  • Counseling

Access to Parish Services is only through a referral for assistance from a parish. 
732-363-0748 x3223

PROJECT HOPE — Provides individuals and families who live in poverty and are homeless or facing the threat of homelessness with opportunities to develop skills and resources needed to achieve well-being and lead self-sufficient lives. Core components address:

  • Workforce Readiness
  • Health and Wellness Education and Services
  • Essential Life Skills and Community Living

CHILD/ADOLESCENT COUNSELING — Mental health counseling for children and adolescents with emotional or behavioral challenges. Psychiatric evaluation and medication monitoring available as an adjunct to counseling services. Medicaid and sliding scale accepted.

88 Schoolhouse Road, Whiting NJ 08759


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