Hurricane Harvey Message from: Marlene Laó-Collins, Executive Director

In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, our hearts go out to those suffering as a result of this devastating event. During this difficult time, it is critical for those impacted to know they are not alone and we stand beside them in both prayer and ministry through our Catholic social services network.

Over the past few days, Catholic Charities Diocese of Trenton has received many inquiries from individuals and organizations in our communities asking how to provide assistance to those in need. Throughout this catastrophic event, we have been in contact with Catholic Charities USA, our national network to identify resources to support those in need. As far as we know, the impacted region in Texas is still under a search and rescue protocol and financial assistance is being funneled through the Catholic Charities USA national network. At this time, Catholic Charities Diocese of Trenton is directing all who wish to provide financial assistance to those impacted by Hurricane Harvey to donate to Catholic Charities USA at the link below:

As recovery efforts progress, we will continue to provide updates as to any specific needs that are requested along with locations for drop off and distribution centers.

Thank you,
Marlene Lao-Collins
Executive Director